Moscow to Produce up to 50% of Electricity with Solar Panels

According to the estimate of the head of the fuel & energy department of Moscow Evgeniy Sklyarov, the aggregate capacity of all the power sources in the capital city is about 12.5 gigawatt. And putting photovoltaic modules on all the roofs of the city will allow to produce up to 6-7 gigawatt of electricity.

The head of the department if sure that new ways of obtaining energy can be introduced on a mass scale basis. This can make separate building and organizations independent from the centralized energy sources, which particularly important for remote areas.

According to Sklyarov, so far the development has been held back by considerable primary costs. But in prospect solar panels could produce up to half of electrical energy in Moscow.
If residents of a house would like to install a solar panel on the roof, they won’t have to undertake anything special. “Today there are enough energy service companies, which are ready to render this kind of service. It is necessary, of course, to calculate the primary costs, the economic value and the payback period”, — says the head of the department. According to him, nowadays such energy sources pay off in 7-12 years.
However, Evgeniy Sklyarov points out that solar panels installation is not a solution to all he problems. “As a rule, it’s hot water that is the most expensive of all communal utilities. And first of all it is necessary to invest our effort into saving this resource”.
One can economize on water heating for household needs by using thermal pumps. “This is a device, which helps in heat exchange process”, — the head of the department explained. Such pumps take heat from two sources: first, by means of geothermal energy (heat coming from the center of the earth), second, by means of recuperation (heat from gases, warmed in air change).
Evgeniy Sklyarov thinks that there are great financial prospects in store of both the entrepreneurs, who would like to engage in alternative energy, and the budget of the capital.
“According to our estimate, the investment potential not even for businesses but first of all for tax revenues is estimated at over 200 billion rubles within 5 years. That is how much even the city budget can earn after the implementation of energy efficient technologies on a mass scale”, — the head of the department said.

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