Mudflow Near Mzymta River Did Not Interfere with Operation of Substations 110KW Mzymta and Roza Khutor

All the facilities of the mountain cluster of the Sochi enterprise of MEG South – the branch of OAO FGC UES are operating nominally, the power supply for the consumers is carried out without interruption, no damage was caused to the staff of enterprises.

A mudflow was recorded on April 17 at the site of 700 meters from the substation 110 KW Roza Khutor to the substation 110 KW Mzymta in the vicinity of the river Mzymta. The amount of mudflow was about 5 000 cubic meters. The mudflow did not influence the operation of power facilities of OAO FGC UES.

The branch of OAO FGC UES – the Main Electric Grids (MEG) of South are urgently repairing the road connection to the substation 110 KW Mzymta. At present 10 units of equipment are engaged into clearing up the road. As an additional measure a temporary road has been made outside the mudflow zone. The duty staff of the substation 110KW Mzymta has the possibility of free access to the object.

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