Naftogaz of Ukraine Settles Accounts with Gazprom for Gas in April

The Ukrainian national joint stock company Naftogaz has transferred to Gazprom about 682 000 000 US dollars as a payment for the natural gas obtained from Russia in April 2012.

The press-service of Naftogaz specifically emphasizes the price of one cubic meter of the volatile fuel, which in the second quarter of 2012 equals 425$.

It should be reminded that according to the unexpired contract of 21.04.2010 the gas price for the Ukrainian party is defined by Gazprom basing on the scheme, according to which Naftogaz gets a discount of 100 American dollars for every thousand cubic meters of gas.

The press-release specifies that the March gas deliveries cost Naftogaz over 865 000 000 American dollars.

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