Nanocoatings-Atom Company Holds a Seminar on New Types of Protective Coatings

TVEL Fuel Company hosted a seminar-conference with the participation of the representatives from nuclear industry enterprises which was dedicated to a new company — Nanocoatings-Atom startup and the unique technologies it is going to implement.

The founders of the company are the state corporation Rosatom represented by the Bochvar high-technology scientific research institute on inorganic materials (a part of Rosatom fuel company — TVEL), RUSNANO and CJSC Placart. The company will specialize in providing services of multifunctional protective coatings application using new technologies. In particular it refers to high velocity magnetron and vacuum circular pulverization as well as to surfacing the equipment and its units using the methods of thermal spraying and facing with the coatings made of nanopatterned materials.

According to the director general of NC-Atom Ruslan Moskvitin, compared to the traditional technologies these allow increasing the surfaced articles’ corrosion resistance and giving metals new functional properties.

The member of the board of directors of CJSC Placart L.Baldaev pointed out that atom industry is the field in which safety performance is not just a standard procedure but a matter of vital importance. “The equipment must be reliable to the uttermost, — he said – And the use of our nanocoatings gives the possibility of providing high reliability of equipment and objects of strategic importance operation ”.

The project leader of TVEL project office Alexander Shtarev explained that these coatings allow defending details and assembly units of all sizes from corrosion, erosion and mechanical wear, provide compatibility of details made from different materials, operating under high temperatures, in liquid, metal and corrosion environment (including reactor units). “In such a way these technologies give the opportunity to increase equipment life”, — he emphasized.

According to the director general of NC-Atom Ruslan Moskvitin, the aim of the company is to offer the nuclear industry enterprises both already existing technologies and those which are under development now. “Our seminar-conference was visited by the representatives of the nuclear enterprises which have demand in our services. – he said. – But these are not all of our potential customers. Yes, in the first place we offer our services for the nuclear industry, but our market is much wider – machine-building, oil & gas, aviation, car industry and others. At the seminar we spoke about vacuum pulverization of protective and functional coatings and thermal spraying deposition methods. These are complementary environmentally safe (unlike galvanic chrome-plating) technologies which can be highly sought in many enterprises.

The NC-Atom company has production areas in the Moscow region (the town of Scherbinka). Besides there are plans of creating new production sites in St.Petersburg, Nizhniy Novgorod, Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Perm. “The company will have a lot of branches, — R.Moskvitin says, — because one of our objectives is to make our services affordable and close to customers”.

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