Nature Park Volcanoes of Kamchatka Switches to Solar Power

The solar modules are generating electricity for the most Eastern border of the Nalychevskiy nature park – “Cape Nalychev”. “This is the first latrge-scale project dedicated to the stand-alone power generation at the conservation area of Kamchatka”, — says the director of the nature park Volcanoes of Kamchatka Viktor Komarov.

“Solar power is a reasonable alternative of a human being’s existence in the world with the minimal negative impact on the environment. It is time we understood that any kind of progress inevitably results in exhausting the resources not only in a particular area, nut on the whole planet. In this respect solar energy has great future, especially in Kamchatka, which is still in to a greater extent depends on the imported fuel, but is still one of the cleanest parts of the Earth. Environmentally clean industry on the environmentally clean area – that’s what we are going to and that’s what we are driving others to move towards,” – says the director of the nature park Volcanoes of Kamchatka Viktor Komarov.
“Having such energy sources in the areas of Kamchatka, that are most attended by tourists will set a positive example for the image of the Kamchatka Territory, the nature park Volcanoes of Kamchatka and the whole system of conservation nature areas”, — the head of the Environmental Awareness and Recreation of the natural park Volcanoes of Kamchatks Gleb Parunov says.

It should be reminded that in April 2011 the Ministry of Housing and Utilities and Energy Industry of the Kamchatka Territory announced a contest among the regional state budget institutions – “Energy efficiency and energy saving”. Among others the project “The power supply of the network of natural cordons and visit centers of the nature park Volcanoes of Kamchatka from solar batteries”. The project presupposes the use of photovoltaic systems for the stand-alone all year round power supply of the cordons of nature park. The project was recognized as the best one and 1 million 250 thousand rubles was allocated for its implementation from the local budget.

By the end of 2012 it is planned to install such complexes of solar panesl at the cordons Avaxhinskiy Pass and Tsentralniy of the Nalychev nature park as well as at the cordon Dimchikanskiy of the Bystrinskiy nature park.

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