Neftgazstroy-2012 to Take Place in Radisson Slavyanskaya Hotel

The organizer of an important large-scale event dedicated to the construction of oil and gas complex facilities — the conference Neftegazstroy 2012 — reports that the meeting of the participants is to take place in the hotel Radisson Slavyanskaya on May 22 next year.

According to the information published at the official website of the organizers the event will enable the contractors meeting in person with a broad circle of their potential customers and colleagues, discussing pressing issues which naturally arise when there is construction of such complex facilities as oil refineries and oil pipelines, obtaining new useful contact and broaden their outlook.

As the organizers of Neftegazstroy – 2012 point out there are numerous large-scale infrastructure projects connected with the construction of pipelines, oil terminals and the development of the Arctic continental shelf that are being executed at the moment. This is why such events are important, they allow all market players to share opinions and sign new contracts.

The main topics for discussion at the conference will become the presentation of some projects that are being executed in Russia, self-regulation in the sphere of oil and gas construction, preliminary assessment of contractors, providing oil and gas complexes’ construction sites with necessary equipment, the role of the state in the development of oil and gas construction, leasing issues in this industry, especially in the work of construction contractors in the situations when they cooperate with natural monopolies.
Apart from participants’ meetings, talks and discussions, the conference agenda includes a coffee break, a lunch and a reception.

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