New Chairman of Board of Directors of Moscow Oil Refinery to be Elected on June 15

OAO Gazprom Neft – MOR (Moscow Oil Refinery) is planning to elect its president at the meeting scheduled for June 15 2012. This is announced in the materials of the company. Earlier the board of directors was headed by the vice chairman of the management board of Gazprom Neft Anatoliy Cherner.

OAO Gazprom Neft – MOR (Moscow Oil Refinery) is a subsidiary of Gazprom Neft. The installed capacity of the plant comprises 12 million 150 thousand tons of oil products a year. In 2011 the enterprise increased the volume of oil refining by 6% — to 10.8 million tons. The net profit of the Moscow Oil Refinery according to the Russian Accounting Standard in 2011 decreased by 2.5 times 0 to 2 billion 640 million rubles compared to 2010.


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