New Pellet Manufacturer in Komi — PechoraEnergoResurs Produces First 15 Tons of Bio Fuel

This project has been announced a top priority one in the sphere of forest exploitation. According to the plan Komi was to get a biofuel manufacturer with the capacity of 74 thousands tons of pellets per year. So far the enterprise has set a pelleting line with the capacity of 2.5 tons an hour (about 20 thousand tons per year).

The hook-up and start-up in the Troitsko-Pecherskoe enterprise of Komi were completed in August 2011. According to the CEO of PechoraEnergoResurs Andrei Jarmolik, steady manufacturing of biofuel products is to start after the works in the sawmilling shop – the source of raw material for pellet manufacturing — are completed.

Fuel pellets will be sold to Europe, the delivery contracts have already been signed, as the experts of the Russian company declare. The official opening of the plant is scheduled for the end of 2011, when the construction of all the units which are the part of this top priority investment project has been completed.

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