JSC NTEK (Norilsk-Taimyr Energy Company, a Nornickel subsidiary) has made 146.2 billion roubles’ worth of necessary payments for damage caused to the environment as a result of a 29 May 2020 diesel spill at Norilsk’s Combined Heat and Power plant, situated in the Kayerkan neighborhood of the city.
Nornickel has provided the funds for its subsidiary’s payment.
Compensation for damage to local bodies of water amounted to 145,492,562,907.96 roubles, paid into the federal budget. Compensation for damage to soil amounted to 684,904,320 roubles, paid to Norilsk’s municipal government.
The payment was made in accordance with a 12 February 2021 judgement by Krasnoyarsk’s Arbitration Court.
Метки: Norilsk-Taimyr Energy Company, Nornickel, НТЭК
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