Oil Discovered in Sibkraevskaya Structure in Tomsk Region

The Irish company PetroNeft Resources which has oil equity in Tomsk region, discovered oil on the Sibkrayevskaya structure within Tungolskoye Oil Field in Tomsk region, the company reports.

The area of the field is over 50 square kilometers, the oil accumulation lies in the depth of 2.35 thousand meters. PetroNeft does not specify the size of oil reserves of the Sibkrayevskaya structure, they only note that it is a discovery of a considerable scale. The appraisal drillings on the structure will continue in 2012.

PetroNeft Resources plc was founded in 2005 for oil prospecting and production in Russia. The company’s capital asset is the license for exploiting a land lot of 5 thousand square kilometers in Tomsk region, which includes four oil fields: Lineynoe, Tungolskoye, Zapadno-Lineynoe and Korchekskoye. The company’s shares are traded at London and Irish stock exchanges.

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