Oil Industry Workers in Yugra Sued for Gas Flaring

Yesterday the news was broken about initiating an unprecedented criminal case against LLC “RN-Uganskneftegas” (a part of “Rosneft”) because the latter violated the licensing agreement (Art.255 УК РФ) about developing Ombin oil deposit in Nefteyuganskiy district of Yugra. According to Yugra public prosecution office the company is sued because of the illegal flaring more than 19 million cubic meters of casing-head gas, extracted in 2010.

In accordance with the project documentation the developer of the deposit had to provide “rational usage if obtained resources” and no less than 95% of them. In fact the proportion of casing-head gas rationally used is no more than 10%. The representative of the regulatory body emphasized the fact that this is not the first case of legislation violation on the part of the company, but in previous cases Uganskneftegas got away with fines, and this case is the first one of the kind in the area.

There no comments on the situation from LLC “RN-Uganskneftegas” so far.

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