Panel Coolers Are Being Upgraded at Verkhne-Mutnovskaya GeoPP

Within the framework of the investment program of the geothermal power plants of OAO Geotherm the A-2 hole was reconstructed, a new hole Geo 2 was bored and commissioned, the two vacuum liquid-packed ring pumps were replaced.

With the aim of raising the efficiency of the air condenser unit the work has been started on the upgrade of the cooler panels at the Verkhne-Mutnovskaya GeoES. The regulation procedures are carried out preceding the agreements with the subcontractor organizations on the execution of the Geo-3, Geo-4 borehole drilling services as well as the upgrade of the of the automatic process control system of the GeoPP-1.

The Geotheral power plants of the OAO Geotherm are ready for the autumn-winter maximum demand. This was the conclusion made by the commission, which had worked at the power plant on September 24-27. The commission included the representatives of the Kamchatka Office of the Federal Service of Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostekhnadzor), the Main Office of the Emergency Ministry in the Kamchatka Territory, the Ministry of Housing and Communal Utilities and Energy Industry of the Territory as well as the experts of the branch of OAO SO UES – IDO of East, the representatives of OAO RusHydro and OAO Geotherm.

On September 27 the chairman of the commission, the head of the Department of Technical Inspection at OAO RusHydro Nikolay Dorofeev handed over a certificate of preparedness to the director of OAO Geotherm Dmitry Kolesnikov. This is a major document, which confirms the compliance with all the necessary regulations for the provision of the stable operation of the Mutnovskiye and Pauzhetskaya geothermal power plants in the conditions of the autumn-wonter maximum demand.

In accordance with the schedule of preparation for the autumn-winter period all the power plants had the repairs of the main and auxiliary equipment carried out in full extent in compliance with the requirements of the valid regulatory documents.

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