People’s Deputy Says Ukraine To Turn To Renewable Sources of Energy

Ukraine will have to switch to renewable sources of energy as well as largely introduce energy-saving technologies in all spheres of manufacturing and in private sector. This was declared by the People’s deputy, the chairman of the parliamentary party “Reforms For Future” Igor Rybkov in his interview to journalists. In his opinion, the developed countries of the world have already been engaged in various projects in the sphere of renewable energy for many years.

We are welcoming the development of the national project “Energy of Nature” and other projects, which implementation will allow Ukraine to increase the chare of renewable energy sources from 0,04 to 3% by 2014. These are the conditions that the European community makes for Ukraine to enter the European Union”, — the deputy said.

He also reminded that according to EU standards the share of renewable energy sources must comprise no less than 6,5%, which means that the projects on renewable energy sources must transform into a long-term state strategy.

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