Permskaya State District Power Plant Starts Repairs at Another Generating Unit

On May 14 the largest energy supplying facility of the region Permskaya State District Power Plant embarked on the scheduled repairs of its third generating set, the capacity of which comprises 800 MW. The power engineers of the Permskaya state district power plant are planning to complete the repair works till August 2012.

The main object of the repair works is the main transformer of the generating unit; its magnetic core and the winding will be taken down, and then the aggregate will be examined to reveal any equipment faults with the subsequent replacement of faulty details.

The uniqueness of the current repair campaign consists in the fact that the repair works are carried out simultaneously at the two generating units– it should be reminded that the first generating unity of Permskaya SDPP has been under capital extended repair since 13.04.2012.

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