Pilot Energy Efficiency Rating of Ukrainian Regions Compiled

The pilot rating of energy efficiency has been carried out among the regions of Ukraine. According t the published rating, the most energy efficient regions of Ukraine are Vinnitsa, Chernovtsy and Odessa regions, their energy efficiency parameters are 71%, 70% and 70% of the EU level respectively.

The least energy efficient are Lugansk, Poltava and Dnepropetrovsk regions. Their energy efficiency comprised 38%,39% and 43% respectively compared to the EU level.

The regional energy efficiency rating Ukrainian Energy Index was initiated by the SCM Company. The rating is aimed at analyzing the energy efficiency and energy saving potential in the regional perspective. The methodological base of the rating is the methodology of the International Energy Agency, which enables separating the major factors which define energy consumption: the structure of a region’s economy, economical activity and energy intensity and thus getting more precise evaluation of energy efficiency compared to the standard evaluation.

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