Power Consumption in Chuvashia Rises by 55 Times for 55 Years

Chuvashia Power Supply Company

On September 26 2012 the power system of Chuvashia celebrates its anniversary – 55 years since it was established. During this period the electrical energy consumption in the region has risen by 55 times – from 95 million kvh a year to 5.26 billion kvh.

55 years ago the enterprise “Energosbyt” was given over the powers to sign agreements, to control and record power consumption. This was a very responsible job – the stable and reliable functioning of the energy system depended on Energosbyt. The volume of work was growing in proportion to the increase in the number of consumers and the generation volumes.

At present OAO Chuvash Energy Supply Company is a last resort supplier of electrical energy on the territory of Chuvashia. Its clients and partners are over 9.46 thousand legal bodies and 346.5 thousand consumers – physical persons. The company is trying to make its relationships with partners comfortable for them. Convenient location of offices, informational openness and accessibility, providing a wide range of quality services contribute to building an efficient system of relationships with consumers, based on mutual understanding, partnership, complete and timely fulfillment of one’s responsibilities.

A considerable attention was paid to the popularization of energy efficiency and energy savingб and to the introduction of the energy saving technologies at the territory of the Chuvash Republic. The company is carrying out works connected with the implementation of the Automatic system for commercial accounting of power consumption (ASCAPC) in the cities and districts of Chuvashia, is conducting energy audit and heat monitoring of buildings and construction. In Batyrevo and Shumerlya new energy efficient offices are opened, they function on the principle of a “smart house” and fulfill, among others, a demonstration function. In Novocheboksarsk an Energy efficiency Center is functioning, in which various events in the sphere of energy saving are being carried out for schoolchildren, students, representatives of managing companies, communal and housing utilities etc. Social projects of the company are recognized with the awards of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, UN Office in Russia, Minenergo of Russia, National Union of Energy Saving.

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