Power Engineers De-Energized Village in the South of Yakutia for Five Hours Due to Fire

Rescue workers and power engineers rescued of fire a village with the population of 300 people.

It took 6 hours for the employees of the South-Yakut electrical network (the branch of JSC Far-Eastern distribution grid company, FEDGC) to extinguish the fire near the village of Yakokit with the population of more than 300 people. According to the press-service of FEDGC on July 29 the forest fire approached right up to the transmission towers.

On July 28 at 14:51 the Tommot distribution zone received a signal from the energy control center about the forest fire near the power transmission line-35 KW Kanavnoe-Yakokit, — the press-service said. – The FEDGC services crew arrived at the place and together with the subdivision of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Tommot forestry staff started extinguishing the fire which had already approached the village at a distance of less than 300 meters”.

The press-service reports that in four spans the fire approached right up to the power transmission line, as a result of which the decision about the line disconnection was taken at 17:17. The brigade started building fire lines and at 22:22 the fire was got under after which the power supply was restored.

The fire line created by the power engineers and the MES staff cut off the fire from the village”, — the representative of the press-service adds.

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