Power Equipment at Switchyard 110/220 KW of Nizhegorodskaya Hydropower Plant to Be Replace

The equipment of the Nizhegorodskaya hydropower plant is being replaced within the framework of the complex reconstruction of the switchyard with the voltage of 110/220 KW. In 2012 the construction and installation works are to be conducted at the four feeders of the switchyard. The project is scheduled to be completed by December 2017.

Within the large-scale reconstruction the worn out and outdated air circuit breakers, current and voltage transformers as well as the relay protection and automation are to be replaced with the modern gas-insulated equipment manufactured by Siemens (Germany) and EKRA. Its average service life is 25-30 years.

The new equipment is characterized with high stability, does not require considerable expenditure on its operation and scheduled maintenance, which is both cost-effective and convenient in terms of servicing. Besides, the reconstruction project includes an important environmental aspect: ousting the oil-filled equipment from the technological chain of the hydro power plant will exclude even a theoretical possibility of a negative impact on the environment.

The reconstruction plan also presupposes the development and implementation of the automatic control, monitoring and diagnostic system of the electrical equipment. The changes will also touch upon the key single line diagram of power output into the mains: it will be divided into semi-sections, which will contribute to a more flexible control over it at the time of planned outages.

The works within the framework of the complex reconstruction of the switchyard 110/220 KW will be conducted in compliance with the project without breaks in operational procedures.

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