Power Facilities of Bashkiria Entered Peak Load Period

A decrease in outdoor temperature and an increase in the heat load had a positive impact on the technical and economical parameters of the equipment in the energy system of Bashkortostan.

According to the information from OOO Bashkortostan Generating Company, in the period from October 1 to November 15 2012 the output of heat from the collectors of thermal power plants rose almost twice – from 32 thousand gigacalories to 57 thousand gigacalories. In the same period the specific fuel consumption for the heat production decreased from 146.79 kg/gcal to 137.63 kg/gcal, specific fuel consumption for the production of one kilowatt of electrical energy – from 331.68 grams to 317.78 grams.

“Bashkir generating company and Bashkir distribution thermal grids entered the period of peak load smoothly, the equipment operates in scheduled mode: main and auxiliary equipment of power plants and boiler rooms of the production floors has been repaired and is ready for peak load. The output of thermal energy to the consumers connected to heat sources of Bashkir generating company and to thermal grids of Bashkir distribution thermal grids is carried out in corpore according to the requests of the consumers”, — the chief engineer of OOO Bashkir generating company Vladimir Kremer comments.

The level of electrical load, carried by the power plants is defined by the dispatch schedule, confirmed with the branch of OAO SO UES Regional Dispatch Office of the Energy System of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

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