Power of Sun and Wind to Help No-Break Lighting of New Neighborhood Unit Construction in Omsk

Solar batteries and wind generators, supplying the lamps with electrical energy, are installed at the lighting towers as an experiment in one of the new neighborhood units under construction  in Omsk.

The system of environmentally friendly lighting is being introduced at the comprehensive development site in the suburban settlement called Green valley. The experimental wind generating installations and solar panels, which supply the power for the lamps with the capacity of six hundred Watt each are put on the lighting poles. The press-service of the regional government reports that the batteries, which accumulate the energy of sun and wind are able to provide the no-break functioning for the lamps during five days both during the day and night.

The tests, carried out by the construction company allows to define the most efficient renewable energy sources. Due to the fact that there is no necessity in constructing lengthy power transmission lines considerable funds have already been saved. In the near future such combined electrical energy sources are to be used for lighting streets of the low rise settlement under construction. Commissioning the first hundred houses is scheduled for the fall of 2012.

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