Production and Consumption of Electricity Grows in Novosibirsk Region

«The increase in electricity production in July 2012 in connected with the load of power plants in the Novosibirsk region due to the low water level and the corresponding reduction in production at hydro power plants in Siberia», — said the director of the Novosibirsk Regional Dispatching Office Alexander Yershov.

According to the updated information from the branch of OAO «SO UES», «Regional dispatching control of the power system in the Novosibirsk Region,» (Novosibirsk RDO), the electricity consumption in the energy system of the Novosibirsk Region in July 2012 amounted to 1,039,400,000 kW • h, which is 5,1% more than the volume of consumption in July 2011.

The electricity generation by power plants of the Novosibirsk Region in July 2012 amounted to 1,091,500,000 kW • h, which is 18.2% more than in July 2011.

From January to July 2012 the power plants of the Novosibirsk Region generated 8.43 billion kW • h of electricity, which is 10.2% more than the production in the first seven months of 2011. No counting an extra day of the leap year, the increase in electricity production in January-July 2012 amounted to 9.6%

The consumption of electricity in the regional power grid in January — July 2012 amounted to 8795.5 million kW • h, which is 3.8% more than the consumption in the same period of 2011. No counting an extra day of leap year increase in electricity consumption amounted to 3.21%.

The reception of electrical energy via the intersystem electric power transmission lines for January — July 2012 amounted to 365.5 million kW • h, in the interstate lines 410.4 million kW • h were received. In July the intersystem lines transferred 52.1 million kW • h, the interstate lines received 62.8 kW • h.

«The growth of electricity consumption in July 2012 in explained by the natural growth in the consumption and an increase in the thermal power plants’ consumption for own needs due to the higher load of thermal power plants,» — said the director of the Novosibirsk RDO Alexander Yershov.

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