Project Works on Thermal Power Plant Construction in Sovetskaya Gavan Completed

According to the press-service of RAO UES Vostoka, the engineers of the company completed the works on designing the construction of a thermal power plant in the Far Eastern town of Sovetskaya Gavan. The documentation on the project has been submitted for the state expertise review.
At present the documents for a competitive tender process are being prepared. The tender will result in the choice of a main contractor.
The preparatory stage of the TPP construction in Sovetskaya Gavan has already started: the vertical planning of the construction site is being done at the moment. The access road is being built, the construction site is being connected to the water and energy supply.
The designed electrical capacity of the thermal power plant according to the press-release of RAO UES Vostoka is to comprise 120 MW and its planned thermal capacity is 200 gigacalories per hour. The average annual electrical energy production is expected to comprise 600-700 million KWh, and the average annual heat production is to make up 442 100 thousand gigacalories.
The power engineers of the Far East count on finishing the construction in 2014.

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