Pskovenergo to Acquire Light Towers

According to the press-service of the IDGC of North-East branch – Pskovenergo – in the nearest future the company is to purchase five lighting systems of the ‘light tower’ type. These emergency lighting systems are necessary to illuminate the working sites in the situations of insufficient visibility. The illuminating towers will cost Pskovenergo 600 000 rubles (without VAT).
The power engineers of the Pskov region remind the public that such light towers are widely used nowadays in different spheres, including the prompt elimination of technological failures in the operation of the power grid equipment in the evening and at night.
As to the light tower itself, this is a mobile petrol-powered generator with the compressor, which enables the illumination for the area of 10 000 square km. A folded tower is a compact fabric cylinder, which after being pumped stretches as high as five meters (the ‘light tower’ can be brought into the operating condition by one person for less than a minute).

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