Pump Station of East Siberia-Pacific Ocean system to Be Connected to External Power Supply Source in October

Another oil pump station (OPS) of the Eastern Siberia – Pacific Ocean oil pipeline system is to be connected to the external power supply source – the high-voltage line Suntar – Olekminsk. This was reported by the press-service of OOO Vostoknefteprovod.

At present the OPS-13 sees the electrical machinery installation. The works are executed by the Far Eastern Energy Managing Company. The reception of electrical power from the supplier will be executed via the closed switchgear built at the OPS by OOO PCC ESPO (Project Control Center Eastern Siberia – Pacific Ocean).So far the infrastructure units are connected to the power supply according to the temporary schedule. Earlier in September 2010 another unit of the ESPO oil pipeline system — OPS-14 “Olekminsk” — was connected to the centralized power supply was.

OOO Vostoknefteprovod is a subsidiary of OAO Joint Stock Company Transneft. The enterprise carries out investment activities in relation to the oil pipeline Eastern Siberia – Pasific Ocean construction.

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