Putin Orders Rosneft to Present Proposal on Pipeline Construction from Samara Oil Refineries to Tuapse

The President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin ordered the management of OAO Rosneft to develop a proposal on the construction of oil pipeline from the oil refineries of the Samara group to Tuapse. Such order was given in the course of presentation of Rosneft. In his turn the president of Rosneft Igor Sechin pointed out that the length of the pipeline is to comprise500 km with the investment up to 2 billion American dollars. He added that the work is to be conducted in cooperation with Transneft. “If the metal suppliers work in the a very thrifty manner we will manage to squeeze into the budget of 2 billion dollars. “Rosneft” is ready to take part in funding the project, besides, LUKOIL plants in Nizhniy Novgorod and other consumers can connect to this system, too” – Sechin specified.

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