Renewable Energy Industry of Ukraine Shows Good Results in 2011

According to the Association of Alternative Fuel and Energy Market Participants of Ukraine (APEU) in the period of January to July 2011:

— the renewable energy enterprises of Ukraine generated 274 343 00 kWh of electrical energy, sold to the state company “Energorynok” according to green tariff (it is by 15.7% more than in the same period of 2010), which includes 237 685.5 kWh generated by the mini hydro power plants, 29 839.22 kWh generated by wind farms, 3 483.9 kWh generated by biofuel power plants and 3 334.79 kWh – by solar power plants.

— the Ukrainian solid biofuel manufacturers produced 451.6 thousand tons of fuel briquettes and pellets from wood and agricultural waste (36.4% more against 2010). The biofuel export comprised 392.7 thousand tons (increased by 31.5% against 2010).

The increase in productivity in the field of solid biofuel is connected mainly with the production and export increase of pellets made of agricultural waste products (sunflower seeds bypass) in the fat&oil industry. The segment of fuel production from waste wood in May-June saw a drop in production.

— about 0.5 thousand tons of motor biofuel was produced and sold at the domestic market, in particular – petrol Innovativ E95 (the share of biological components makes up more than 50%). The new fuel sales started in the second decade of May 2011. The project of Innovativ E95 fuel manufacturing is developed by LLC Azov Oil Company, which owns an oil refinery in the city of Mariupol (Donetsk Region).

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