Renewable Energy Week to Take Place in Ukraine

For the first time in its history Ukraine is to host a large-scale event, which would take up the whole working week, entirely dedicated to renewable energy sources – this is the Renewable Energy Week scheduled for 16.10.2012 – 19.10.2012. The even in organized by IBCentre and
Euroindex, the companies, which have already held a number of events in the sphere of renewable energy. The general partners of the Week will be APEU (Аssociation of Alternative Fuel and Energy Market Participants) and UWEA (Ukrainian Wind Energy Association).
It is already a known fact that the October Renewable Energy Week is to be opened with the REF-2012 (Renewable Energy Forum), which is planned to last for two days, in the course of which the strategic issues of renewable energy sources usage are to be discussed by international experts, the representatives of players in the sector from different countries, the largest players of the renewable energy sources market.
Besides, within the framework of the Ukrainian Renewable Energy Week the Fourth international exhibition GREENEXPO/Renewable energy-2102 is to take place. Its exposition will give a vivid presentation of the state of things at the renewable energy sources market of today. The exhibition is to take place in KievExpoPlaza on 17.10.2012-19.10.2012. The co-organizer of the event is IBCenter.
Vladimit Shmukler, the director of Euroindex, on of the two co-organizing companies of the Renewable Energy Week, expressed the following opinion about their joint project with IBCentre” “I am sure that our experience in organizing international exhibitions, plus the experience of our partners in holding international industry forums will allow us to present the efficient format to the market – the Renewable Energy Week.”
“Today the Ukrainian market of renewable energy has an acute need in the unified industry event, which would enable discussing the actual problems, study the innovations, learn the experience of global experts” – the head o Euroindex said.

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