Rimera Started Shipment for SIBUR Pipelines

Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant (SOT) and the Czech enterprise producing main equipment MSA, which are a part of SC Rimera are carrying out the first deliveries to the subsidiary of SIBUR – OAO Sibur Tyumen Gas.

The first party of KSC SOT products (over 20 tons) has been completed with the hot bending elbows with the diameter of 720 mm, sleeve joints and adaptor rings of the same diameter. The Czech enterprise of the group, the plant manufacturing pipe fitting will ship for SIBUR a batch of ball valves as well as end plugs.

Connecting pieces and pipeline fitting are designated for oil product pipeline “Purovskiy Condensate Processing Plant – South-Balyk Main Pump Station”.

The beginning of this joint project was preceded the preparation and paperwork stage: the engineers from SOT submitted to the general designer – SIBUR design center — a complete information on the materials used for connecting pieces production, their chemical structure and mechanical properties. The typical pipe fitting produced by MAS was brought in compliance with the technical requirements set by the petrochemical holding.

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