Rosatom Creates Systems Integrator to Provide Maintenance Service for Foreign Nuclear Power Plants

The State Corporation Rosatom is creating a systems integrator – ZAO Rusatom Service which will deal with the maintenance service of foreign nuclear power plants. As the press-release of the State Corporation says the company was registered at the end of October 2011. Its founders are OAO Rosenergoatom (51%), OAO Atomenergomash (16%), ОАО “Gidropress ” (16%), OAO Atomtehenergo (16%).

The key focus areas of the company’s activities will be maintenance, repairs and modernization of nuclear power plants. The company also intends to works in the field of technical consulting, as well as nuclear power plants’ staff training and retraining.

Commenting on the company startup, the Deputy Director General of Rosatom Kirill Komarov pointed out that the annual volume of the segment of Russian-designed reactors built abroad which need maintenance comprises over 1.5 billion euro with the perspective of further growth of up to 2.5 billion euro by 2020.
Rusatom Service is planned to become a ‘unified window’ of Rosatom in providing the full range of maintenance service of the Russian designed nuclear power plants abroad. In the long term there is a plan to extend the range of company’s activities through penetrating the market of Western designed nuclear power plants.

At the same time the Director General of Rusatom Service Mikhail Kontserev emphasized that the company will intensively develop international cooperation with the aim of extending its market presence and offering its foreign customers a full service pack.

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