Rosatom Studies Possibilities of Constructing Several Nuclear Power Plants in RSA

Rosatom embarked on studying the possibility of participation in the construction program of several nuclear power plants in the Republic of South Africa (RSA). The cost of the project is estimated at about 130 million American dollars.
Alexey Kalinin, Head of International Business Development of the company, pointed out that the Plan of Resources Development for the 20 years period, which is to be adopted by the authorities of the RSA will become one of the largest programs of this kind in the world. For instance it presupposes holding tenders for the construction of a number of nuclear power plants for the amount of one trillion rands (130 billion American dollars).
“In our opinion, it would be very reasonable if our South African partners chose the approach of serial construction of nuclear power plants, which is common for the Russian Federation. This would allow us to use the large scale effect both in creating local manufactures and in sharing technologies”, Kalinin explains. According to him, Rosatom sees a serious potential in the development of integrated and complex cooperation with the RSA in the sphere of nuclear power industry.
Alexey Kalinin is the head of the stat corporation’s delegation, which is holding a thematic seminar with the South African colleagues in Johannesburg.

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