Rosatom to Spend 18 Billion Rubles on Improving Safety at Operating Nuclear Power Plants

The State Corporation Rosatom intends to spend about 18 billion rubles on the two-year program of improving safety at the operating nuclear power plants, the first Deputy Director General of Rosatom Alexander Lokshin said on Thursday.

“The funds will be spent on purchasing additional equipment which can be used at the operating nuclear power plants in emergency situations. The nuclear power plant engineers changed theirs approaches to safety already a quarter of a century ago after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. However immediately after the Fukusima disaster on March 11 we started an 11-week inspection, carried out a thorough analysis of the operating nuclear power plants as well as the ones under construction, and the operating organizations. They all comply with the existing rules and regulations, — Lokshin said.

At present Russia is using 10 nuclear power plants (32 power generating units with the installed capacity of 24.2 gigawatt), which generate about 16% of all the produced electricity. According to Lokshin, they are all built upon the modern projects and are equipped with all the necessary safety systems.

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