Rosneft to Pay Dividends-2011 till August 19

The board of directors of National Corporation Rosneft recommended to the annual meeting of shareholders to approve of dividends payment for 2011 till August 19 2012, says the press-release of the company. “The dividends are to be paid to all the shareholders simultaneously no later than August 19 2012”, — the press-release announces.

Earlier the company paid out dividends till the end of December of the year that follows the accounting year. However, after carrying out the ‘people’s IPO’ in July 2006 the minority shareholders have many times appealed to the management and the board of directors of the company with the request to pay out the dividends “somewhat earlier”.

As it has already been announced, on April 28 the board of directors of Rosneft have preliminary confirmed the annual report of the company for 2011 and recommended to increase dividends by 25% — to 3.45 rubles for one share. The total amount, which would be used for dividends payout if the recommended decision is adopted by the shareholders will comprise 36 billion 563.7 million rubles. Thus, 15.5% of the non-consolidated net profit of the company as per Russian Accounting Standard (236.8 billion rubles) will be used for dividends payout.

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