Rosseti Allocated More Than 1 Billion Rubles for R&D in 2021

The Group’s portfolio includes 88 research and development projects (R&D). The company’s innovative development program for 2020-2024 is aimed at the transition to a highly automated power network of the new technological order with qualitatively new characteristics of reliability, efficiency, accessibility, manageability and customer focus.

In particular, the main R&D results for 2021 include:

  • Rosseti Tyumen has completed the development of a solution for the construction of Mini/Microgrid networks. Minigrid software and hardware complex is an intelligent control system allowing for automated operational, supervisory and process control of the local energy system (LES) based on a small-scale generation facility capable of exchanging power with the unified energy system (UES).

The innovation was highly appreciated by the expert community: Rosseti Tyumen won the Priority 2021 National Award in the Field of Advanced Technologies in the Fuel and Energy Complex nomination.

  • At the 500 kV Ochakovo substation, which is the largest power supply center of Moscow, an innovative circuit-breaker controlled communication device has been installed. The solution developed by the engineers of the company’s own R&D center, STC Rosseti FGC UES, provides over voltage protection of trunk networks.
  • In the Volga region, a project for the introduction of machine vision technologies was implemented at the 500 kV Kurdyum substation, which is involved in the power delivery to the Saratov HPP and the Balakovo NPP. The software and hardware package includes an unmanned aerial vehicle combined with thermal imaging, audio and visual control modules. It helps improve the efficiency of monitoring the construction and state of power facilities.
  • Rosseti Ural has developed a system for recording and issuing electronic keys enabling a digital signature access to electrical installations for employees. R&D results will reduce injuries and the likelihood of erroneous actions. In total, 14 R&D results were put into commercial operation at ROSSETI Group in 2021, and 15 were put into pilot operation. More than 30 titles of protection have been received, and seven license agreements have been signed.

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