Rosseti FGC UES has completed the key stage of upgrading the 220 kV Tyoya substation in the south-west of the Republic of Khakassia. A 16 MVA transformer and a 220 kV line feeder have been put into operation. This allows for connecting the 215-km transit link that is currently under construction to develop the Trans-Siberian Railway. Reliability of power supply has also been increased for Izykhgol iron ore field and Vershina Tyoy town hosting a training base for Russian ski racing teams. The work will be finally completed in the fall of 2021. The investments exceed 1 bn rubles.
The 220kV Tyoya substation upgrade is associated with the construction of the Mezhdurechenskaya – Stepnaya 220kV power transmission line, which is part of one of the national projects: 2024 Holistic Plan of Modernization and Expansion of Backbone Infrastructure (resolution by Russian Government no. 2101-r dated 30.09.2018). This transit will provide external power supply for the southern line of the Trans-Siberian Railway, strengthening the power links of the area with the Kemerovo region.
State-of-the-art equipment of Russian origin has been commissioned at the 220kV Tyoya substation. The new line feeder is now connected to the 63-km Tyoya – Yugachi 220kV transmission line, which is the first finished portion of the Mezhdurechenskaya – Stepnaya 220kV transit.
The next stage of the project will cover installing one more transformer with 16 MVA capacity and mounting gas-insulated and vacuum switches with high reliability, fire safety and environmental friendliness. The equipment will be linked to the new automated process control system (APCS).
The 220kV Tyoya substation will be one of the first main power centers in Siberia where remote control will be implemented in 2022. This technology is only used at the new generation of power facilities equipped with modern machinery, digital communications and advanced APCS. Remote control will allow speeding up scheduled switching operations considerably and minimize human risk.
Also in this project, Rosseti FGC UES will erect new basic and auxiliary buildings of the substation and totally renovate its power system protection units with implementation of microprocessor-based equipment of Russian origin.
Метки: FGC UES, Rosseti FGC UES, Россети
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