Rosseti FGC UES invests 4.67 bn rubles to raise capacity of Bryansk power system backbone electricity feeding hub

End-to-end refurbishment of Tsementnaya 220 kV substation is complete. The power center equipment has been almost completely renewed, and the transformer capacity has been increased by 40% to 346 MVA. The project increased the reliability of power supply to Bryansk and the northern districts of the Bryansk Region, connections to the Tula and Kaluga power systems, and provided a reserve for hooking up new consumers.

In the course of the work, power engineers installed five power transformers and built 110 kV and 220 kV indoor switchgears combined with a general substation control room. The power facility was equipped with microprocessor-based relay protection systems, modern automation tools and an intelligent system of commercial electricity metering, and was provided with digital communications. The equipment deployed there is mostly of the Russian origin.

The 220 kV Tsementnaya substation will be switched to remote control by 2023. Implementation of the technology will make it possible to significantly (up to 10 times) reduce the time for scheduled switching, minimize the risk of human error, and increase the reliability of power supply. Supervisors of Rosseti FGC UES and the System Operator will be able to remotely control the operation of the equipment.

The 220 kV Tsementnaya substation is involved in supplying electricity to the city of Bryansk with a population of about 400,000 people and a large part of the region’s consumers, including facilities of Russian Railways, Fokino Brickyard and Maltsovsky Portland Cement, a member of the Eurocement Group.

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