Russia and Japan to Benefit from Bilateral Cooperation in Energy Sphere

Moscow and Tokyo concurred that it is very important for both parties to develop bilateral cooperation in the energy industry. In particular this refers to the joint exploitation of the hydrocarbon deposits in the Siberia and the Far East.

On Tuesday Moscow hosted a working meeting in which the high-rank representatives of both countries took part. It is worth mentioning that this is the first meeting of this kind after the Japanese nuclear power plant Fukushima disaster.

Russia expressed a wish to expand the volumes of natural gas and oil supplies with the aim of helping its Japanese partners, who already faced the electric energy deficit in some regions of the country caused by the nuclear power plant disaster.

Besides, Moscow is going to considerably increase the volumes of its energy supply to the Pacific Region and it hopes for technical cooperation with Japan in this sphere. The representatives of both countries hope that they can achieve tangible results together and that this cooperation will be efficient and productive.

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