Russia and Kazakhstan Flare Less Gas

According to the information of the World Bank, Kazakhstan and Russia are leaders in reducing the volumes of gas flaring and emission abatement. This is proved by the satellite data. The two countries are on top of the list of the states which were working on greenhouse gas emission abatement by reducing the amount of the flared gas, reports.

In Kazakhstan this result was possible due to the projects realized by the company Tengizchevroil. In 2010 they completed a four year project on gas utilization with the total cost of 258 billion dollars. According to Kazakhstan Today this allowed to stop gas flaring in the large oil-field of Tengiz.

It’s the fifth straight year when the records show the reduction of the gas flaring volumes in the course of crude oil production. In 2005-2010 this factor was reduced by 22% — from 172 billion cubic meters to 134 billion cubic meters.

However in 2010 134 billion cubic meters of gas were still flared globally. It is the equivalent of about 30% of annual consumption of natural gas in the EU countries. It is estimated that in the annual gas flaring emission makes up the total of 360 million tons of carbon dioxide which is equal to the annual emission of 70 million cars.

By the way, Kazakhstan did enter the top-list of the gas flaring countries in 2010. Other countries on the list are Iran, Iraq, Algeria, Angola, Libya, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela.

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