Russia Finances First Vietnamese Nuclear Power Plant

Russia will grant Vietnam a credit of 8 billion American dollars for the construction of the first nuclear power plant in the country, the first vice prime-minister of the Russian Federation Igor Shuvalov says.
Shuvalov pointed out that the most modern equipment is to be delivered for the construction of of the nuclear power plant and reminded that the first plant unit is to start operation by 2020.

The loan agreement was signed during the meeting of Shuvalov and the vice prime-minister of Vietnam Hoàng Trung Hải, the heads of the Russian and Vietnamese parties of the bilateral intergovernmental commission on commercial/economic and scientific/technological cooperation.

Simultaneously with the loan agreement for the nuclear power plant construction, the Director General of the state corporation Rosatom Sergei Kirienko signed an intergovernmental cooperation agreement for the construction of a Vietnamese center of nuclear science and technologies.

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