Russia Starts Producing New Bio Fuel Manufacturing Facilities

The production of a new bio fuel manufacturing equipment has started in Russia. The limited liability company SPiKo specializes in manufacturing solid bio fuel and is the developer of the new innovative equipment. It is situated in a regional center of the Pskov region. It has tested two new equipment types. The innovations are a pyrolysis heat generator and a mobile briquettes manufacturing plant.

Pavel Slipchenko, the CEO of the company told the journalists that the test operation of a mobile briquette plant was carried out at the end of last month. And it is only now that he shares this information with the press because some of these days the first aggregate of this series with the capacity of 400 kg per hour has rolled off the production line. It has been manufactured for one of the Sakhalin enterprises. The main purpose of this machine is to manufacture fuel briquettes from wet peat.

The pyrolysis heat generator “Dragon” which possesses a number of innovative characteristics, started to be manufactured by the company some time earlier. This device can process any kind of biomass into fuel. The only condition –is that the biomass humidity may not exceed 30%. If the operation volume is one cubic meter the machine can achieve the capacity of 1.5 mWt and sustain the flame temperature at the level of 1222 C.


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