Russia Suggests Selling Electricity from Baltic NPP to Germany

The electricity, which is to be generated at the Baltic nuclear power plant, can be sold to Europe. Sergei Boyarkin, the director of the Project Management Department of the Engineering Direction of the state corporation Rosatom claims that the German energy concerns were made on offer to lay the cable from the Baltic nuclear power plant, which is now under constructionm parallel to the gas pipeline Nordstream on the bottom of the Baltic Sea.
The new nuclear power plant in the Kaliningrad region is scheduled to start operation at the end of the current decade. According to the analysts’ assessment, Germany’s own nuclear power plants will have ceased delivering electrical power by that time. Considering the probability of serious shortage of electricity in this country and raising the tariffs for consumers, it is Russian electricity that may become the rescue for the German energy system. And for the Russian Federatin the Baltic nuclear power plant may become the new economic superproject, similar to the Nord Stream.
Last summer the German authorities took the decision to reject nuclear power by 2020-2022. According to the expert opinion, this issue sill cause considerable stress for the German economy and it is still unclear if the economy will be able to come with this task. The thing is that Germany announced its intentions to gradually close the nuclear power plants even before the nuclear disaster at the Japanese Fukushima-1, but at that time the idea was to form a special fund that would allow subsidizing the renewable energy industry. At present renewable energy can compete in its cost neither with gas nor with coal nor with nuclear power generation without extra funding.

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