Russia to Manufacture Semi-conductors for Nuclear Fusion Reactor ITER

Cutaway View of ITER

Russia’s commitment is to deliver 22 kilometers of conductors on the basis of over than 90 tons of superconducting Nb3Sn strands for TF coils windings and 11 kilometers of conductors on the basis of 40 tons o superconducting NbTi strands for poloidal field coils windings of the ITER Magnet Structure.

The ITER Magnet Structure, the most important part of which are conductors, is one of the key systems of the would-be installation, without which is cannot operate in principle. As a result the ITER organization sets very high requirements towards the quality of the manufactured conductors, which are to continuously sustain super high frequency.

At present active works are being carried out on 10 out of 11 agreements on the production and deliveries of conductors by the project participants. In particular this concerns the manufacturing of toroidal field conductors, since the partners have already produced 17% of niobium-tinny strands and one third of the total jacketed cable length.

The already traditional international meeting dedicated to the conductors production for the ITER Magnet System took place in Moscow from September 10 to 13 2012. The regular meeting was attended by the representatives of the international organization ITER, by the experts of the national agencies ITER in Europe, China, Japan, the South Corean Republic, Russia and the USA, as well as by the specialists from the contractor organization engaged into the production of conductors for the future installation.

According to the chairman of the meeting Mr Arnaud Devred, ITER Superconductor Section Leader, the works are being carried out in accordance with the approved schedule.

In the opinion of Mi Devred, «in spite of the difficulties of coordinating work with about 30 suppliers and six DAs around the world, the ITER conductor community has always tried to work in a cooperative and synergetic manner, and the conductor meetings have always been a great opportunity for sharing experience and tackling difficult interface issues. The conductor meeting is also an opportunity to showcase the work done in the Russian Federation and for the DAs involved in coils procurement to visit the conductor production facility».

Arnaud Devred highly praised the progress achieved by the Russian suppliers noting that «The Russian Domestic Agency has now entered full TF conductor and PF cable production. It is a proactive partner, eager to play collectively and to assume its role within the ITER collaboration».

The next superconductor meeting is scheduled for March 2014 and is to take place in Cadarache (France).

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