Russian experts to Take Part in Hydro Power Plant Construction in Pakistan

Sergei Shmatko, the head of the Energy Ministry of the Russian Federation, held the negotiations with Hina Rabbani Khar, the head of the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Pakistan. The heads of the two ministries in Russia and Pakistan considered the current perspectives of the two countries in the energy sphere and the further ways of the mutual cooperation development.

The representatives of the two countries studies the possibilities of Russian companies and experts’ taking part in the execution of the largest international energy projects. What was meant here us the TAPI (Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India) gas pipeline and the joint Tajik-Afghani-Pakistani infrastructure electrical energy project CASA-1000.

In the course of the negotiations Sergei Shmatko and Hina Rabbani Khar paid a special attention to the hydro power potential of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and thoroughly studied the possibility of constructing hydro power plants on the territory of Pakistan with the direct involvement of the staff of the RF energy companies. In the opinion of both parties the perspectives of the hydro generation development in Pakistan are quite optimistic and the Russian experts represented by the Energy Ministry of the Russian Federation confirmed the readiness to engage in fruitful intergovernmental cooperation.

In order to facilitate the interaction of Russia and Pakistan in the energy sector the participants in the course of the meeting agreed on the necessity of creating a bilateral long-term plan of the two states’ cooperation within the framework of the Russian-Pakistani working group aimed at the execution of the joint mutually beneficial project in the electrical energy industry.

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