Russian Federation and Belarus Can’t Agree on Oil Delivery Volume

Vice Prime-Minister of Belarus Vladimir Semashko

The Vice Prime-Minister of Belarus Vladimir Semashko carried out another round of negotiations on oil delivery with the Russian colleagues Arkadiy Dvorkovich and Dmitriy Rogozin. This was reported at the official website of the Embassy of Belarus in Russia.

It has become known that in the course of a two-day round of negotiations the vice prime-ministers of the two countries did not come to an agreement concerning the volumes of Russian oil deliveries to Belarus at the end of 2012 and 2013.

The representatives of the embassies reported that the result of the negotiations, which took place in Moscow from October 31 to November 1 was the agreements on “continuing regular contacts on mutually beneficial basis”.

It has been reported earlier that the stumbling stone was the requirement of the Russian party to compensate 1.5 billion American dollars, which were lost on the Russian budget fur to the Belorussian “dissolution-dilution business”.

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