Russian Federation Concerned With Forthcoming Negotiations on Iranian Nuclear Program — Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Russia is concerned with the forthcoming negotiations start with Iran on nuclear program, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said last Friday, RIA Novosti informs.

We are concerned with the forthcoming start of the full-fledged negotiations with Iran and confirmed the support of the offers, which this group (3+3) passed to our Iranian partners”, Russian Foreign Minister said at the press-conference to sum up the talks with the Foreign Minister of France Alain Juppe.

Besides, he noted that despite the agreement on the majority of issues between Russia and France, “we have some difference of opinion” on several issues, “first of all, on means of achieving objectives”. “And we don’t have differences on the objectives as such”, Lavrov added.

The USA and a number of other Western countries accuse Iran of the nuclear weapon development under cover of a peaceful atom program. Tehran repudiates all the accusations stating that its nuclear program is directed exclusively to satisfy the country’s electricity needs. In June 2010 the United Nations Security council gave assent to the latest in a series of resolutions that includes tougher sanctions on Iran. This forth resolution is approved of by the Security Council because of Tehran’s unwillingness to follow international demands and clear a number of issues on Iranian nuclear program including its supposed war component. “The Sixth” of international mediators on Iranian nuclear issue that includes the permanent members of UN Security council (Russia, China, the USA, France, Great Britain), and also Germany in collaboration with IAEA press Iran to suspend the work on uranium enrichment that can the threat for the regime of nuclear non-proliferation.

Photo: Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov

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