Russian Federation Increases Coal Export by 16.5% for 10 Months

The Russian companies have increase the export of coal in January-October 2012 compared to the same period of 2011 by 16.7% to reach 104.088 million tons. This is reported in the documentations of the Central Dispatch Office of the Fuel & Energy Complex.

This includes the export of coal K, which rose by 2.627 million tons in January-October compared to the same period of 2011 and reached 10.576 million tons.

The coal deliveries for the countries of the former Soviet Republic rose by 1.537 million tons to 8.272 million tons compared to the same period of 2011, including the deliveries of coal K – by 1/38 million tons to 4/278 million tons.

The coal export to he countries outside CIS rose by 13.388 million tons to 95.816 million tons, including coal K – by 1.246 million tons to 6.298 tons. In particular, the deliveries of the coal to the countries of the Asian-Pacific region rose by 2.272 tons to reach 12.28 million tons.

The deliveries of the Russian coal to the domestic market for the reporting period of 2012 fell by 8/14 million tons to 153 million tons compared to January-October of 2011, including the fall of coal K by 1.8 million tons to 30.778 million tons.

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