Russian Minenergo to Discuss Oil Deliveries with China in Septeber

In September the Russian Minenergo intends to send a delegation to the People’s Republic of China to discuss the cooperation in the fuel and energy sphere, among other planned issues there is a plan to discuss oil deliveries matters, the Deputy Minister of Energy Anatoly Yanovsky said to the journalists.

“The trip to China is scheduled for September. In the course of the visit the discussion will touch upon Russian-Chinese cooperation, which includes oil deliveries”, — the deputy minister said answering the question of when the ministry plans to continue discussion on cooperation with China in the energy sector.

Anatoly Yanovsky does not exclude the possibility that the delegation to China will be headed by Sergei Shmatko.

The oil export to China using the capacity of the ESPO pipe-line (which connects the Eastern Siberia and the Pacific Ocean) started last January and this March the information was disclosed that Chinese partners do not pay for the oil deliveries to the full extent referring to the non-transparent schemes of forming the tariff for the ‘black gold’ pumping. Earlier the representatives of the state company Transneft declared their intention to initiate a criminal case but after some time the Chinese party partially repaid the debt. And still early in July the head of Transneft Nickolay Tokarev noted that going to court with this issue is not out of the question for the Russian state company.

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