On November 26, Russian President Vladimir Putin made a working trip to the city of Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod Region, where he visited one of the leading enterprises of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom — the Russian Federal Nuclear Center — VNII of Experimental Physics (RFNC-VNIIEP).
Vladimir Putin has come to Sarov for the fourth time. He first visited here in 2003, then in February 2012. Then he held a round table on strengthening the defense capability of the state. In September 2014, the head of state met with young scientists from RFNC-VNIIEP and discussed, among other things, measures to support large scientific projects in which these specialists participate. During this visit, Vladimir Putin got acquainted with the digital products of the Rosatom state corporation, which include competitive IT solutions in areas such as high-tech modeling and R&D, enterprise and production management, digital infrastructure creation, digital security, design and construction, digitalization of urban services and processes.
“Today, fateful decisions have been made for the VNIIEP team. The President approved the creation of the National Center for Physics and Mathematics and the opening of a branch of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, which will give a completely different dynamics of staffing with physicists, theorists, experimenters, — noted the Deputy Government of the Russian Federation Yuri Borisov. — One of the most important decisions — supported the proposal of the management of the nuclear center to carry out work in the field of fundamental research, including at Megascience-class facilities. They open a new page in the history of VNIIEP”.
Alexey Likhachev, General Director of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom, noted: “Today, a number of fundamental decisions have been made for the further development of both specific production programs and the city as a whole. The President supported the development of Sarov as a national center for physics and mathematics. As then, in 1946, this day will give an impulse to development for several decades ahead. «
Vladimir Putin also heard a report by Alexei Likhachev on the situation in Usolye-Sibirskoye, Irkutsk Region. The head of Rosatom reported on the prevention and elimination of environmental pollution in the urban district of Usolye-Sibirskoye (Irkutsk region), including issues of integrated development of the territory.
“Thanks to the steps taken, a direct threat to the life and health of citizens living in this territory has been removed,” noted Vladimir Putin. The President of the Russian Federation also added: “There were no failures in the functioning of the city’s life support systems, which is also very important. Once again I want to thank everyone who worked: the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and, of course, the specialists of Rosatom.»
“All work was carried out safely for the population and the environment together with the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Russian Emergencies Ministry, and Rosprirodnadzor,” stressed Alexey Likhachev. — A public reception office has been created, working on a regular basis, electronic media have been created, informing in a daily update about the progress of work. Created together with the leadership of the Irkutsk region — it is very important here to emphasize the role of the region, the role of the region — the public council. It includes representatives of public organizations, environmentalists, it works under the supervision of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. The last meeting of the council took place just this week. There is a very high interest among the public, among the population in the work, but it seems to me that we are still acting as openly as possible, and anxiety is replaced by the understanding that this task will be solved.»
In August 2020, on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation, the State Corporation began to implement a set of urgent measures to eliminate the most dangerous objects of accumulated environmental damage on the territory of the industrial site. At the moment, substances from all 17 large-volume containers with toxic substances, which carried the threat of salvo emissions, have been re-stored and prepared for further disposal. The release of more than 100 tons of toxic substances has been prevented. The aboveground part of the former shop of mercury electrolysis, the main source of mercury pollution, was liquidated ahead of schedule. Construction volume — 37,600 m². Now work is underway to extract the underground part. This year, the two most dangerous wells with epichlorohydrin production wastes, each with a depth of more than 1 km, were abandoned. Ten more wells will be abandoned in 2021. An anti-seepage curtain was built along the coastline, which will exclude more than 14,500 sq. m of oil-contaminated soils in the Angara. It was important to do this before the spring flood.
The work was jointly carried out by 269 employees of Rosatom, the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Russian Emergencies Ministry, and the Russian Guard.
In parallel, ROSATOM is developing a comprehensive project to bring the entire contaminated area into a safe state. Financing is carried out at the expense of the national project «Ecology». The total volume for the period from 2021 to 2024 is about 48.5 billion rubles.
“We should not confine ourselves to decontaminating the territory of Usolye-Sibirskoye, or rather the facility in Usolye-Sibirskoye. I know that the plans of the state corporation «Rosatom» are the creation of a modern ecological production and industrial complex, which will allow opening modern enterprises and creating new, well-paid jobs for the people who live in the area. On the whole, this should give the development of Usolye-Sibirskoye a new, serious impetus,”said Vladimir Putin.
At the moment, pre-design studies are being carried out. In 2021, a project will be made, within the framework of which pockets of pollution will be eliminated throughout the territory, emergency buildings will be dismantled, and lands will be reclaimed. The territory will be brought into a safe state for further creation of a production cluster at the site. In addition, within the framework of the “Ecology” national project, an ecotechnopark will be created on this territory, which will allow processing waste into secondary raw materials and will become the start for the development of the entire production site. The ecotechnopark will be fully operational by the end of 2024, but the first start-up complex for processing the mercury-containing waste accumulated at the site is planned to be commissioned as early as 2022.
Usolye-Sibirskoye has become a participant in the industry project of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom «Smart City» and is already connected to cultural and educational programs.
On the eve, members of the interregional working group visited an industrial site in the town of Usolye-Sibirskoye, headed by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Victoria Abramchenko. The delegation included the Governor of the Irkutsk Region Igor Kobzev, First Deputy General Director of the State Atomic Energy Corporation «Rosatom» Kirill Komarov and the director of the direction for the implementation of state and sectoral programs in the field of ecology of the State Corporation «Rosatom» Andrey Lebedev.
Source: Communications Department of Rosatom State Corporation.
Photo: Press Service of the Federal Economic Operator of ROSATOM.
Метки: Irkutsk Region, Rosatom, Russian Federal Nuclear Center, Usolye-Sibirskoye
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