Russian Scientists Suggest Using Silt as Raw Material for Bio Fuel

The scientists of the Institute of Biophysics of SB RAS and Siberian Federal University suggested a new economical production method of bio fuel – and bio diesel fuel in particular – which quality will up to the traditional car fuel standards.

Such bio diesel fuel is not toxic, is easily decomposed and has plenty of other advantages but the most important is that is it environmentally safe.

Normally the “green” diesel fuel manufacture uses biomass consisting of rape and other plant raw materials. Such raw material is quite expensive because it requires considerable expenses for growing, harvesting and processing of plants. Russian specialists suggested that plant biomass might be replaced with ordinary silt which emerges in abundance at the bottoms of shallow well-warmed during the summer time water bodies.

The tests taken from the bottom of a small Siberian lake Bugach, which is rich in weed and nutrients, showed that this raw material is highly suitable for producing bio diesel fuel which will comply with all the European standards of “green” fuel.

Of course the percent of fatty acids in silt is considerably lower than in the traditional plant biomass which is why more of such raw material will be needed. However the production of bio diesel from silt will end up more much more profitable than from biomass because the raw material itself is absolutely free. Finances will only be needed for extracting silt from the bottom of eutrophic lakes and its preparation for chemical processing.

Besides, manufacturing ecologically clean fuel from silt will allow solving the problem of cleaning such small lakes – the mass of silt taken out from the bottom every year will be enough to supply a small bio fuel plant with raw material.


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