Russians Pay for Gas More than Ukrainian and Kazakhstan citizens

The experts of the Center for Economic Research calculated that Russia occupies the third place among ex-USSR and European states in relation to the size of gas tariff for end customers. Russian citizens pay 3.7 rubles for 1 cubic meter of gas, the first place is occupied by Kazakhstan, where natural gas costs a humble sum of 2.1 ruble for a cubic meter, the second place is taken by the Ukrainians who pay 3.3 rubles for this kind of fuel.

The most expensive natural gas is in Sweden – 45.5 rubles for 1 cubic meter, however the energy needs of the population are mostly satisfied by means of other energy sources.

In Denmark people pay 45.2 rubles for 1 cubic meter of natural gas, and in Italy – 32.8 rubles.

Due to own large deposits of natural gas Kazakhstan can afford to sell the fuel to the people at a minimal price, as to gas-importing Ukraine – it can keep the low gas price only due to the fact that most of natural gas spend on the needs of the public is obtained from its own reserves.

As a comparison, the people of Turkmenia which is rich in oil and gas do not pay for water, electricity and gas at all.

Thus Russians pay for the consumed gas 12 times as little as Swedes and 5 times as little as an average European, but considering low incomes of the Russian people the difference does not look that drastic.

Mikhail Krutikhin, the partner of the consulting company RusEnergy thinks that the naural gas cost in Russia is obviously too high and that the state could take a part of this cost upon itself.

As to Andrey Polischuk, the analyst from the financial group BCS pointed out that low tariffs for the public are subsidized through the higher gas cost for industrial enterprises, as well as by the profit from the Russian gas monopoly Gazprom.


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