Safety Audit Completed at Kola Nuclear Power Plant

The Rosenergoatom commission carried out a target scheduled inspection of how the safety rules are kept.

Beside the experts of the Rosenergoatom concern, the experts from the Smolensk, Kursk and Novovoronezh nuclear power plants were engaged in the work of the commission.

In the course of the target inspection the common issues of the plant’s operation organization were controlled, namely the distribution of the areas of responsibility of the personnel for sustaining safety at the nuclear power plant; the necessity of providing documentary standards for the staff of the plant and a number of others.

The analysts also paid a special attention to the issues of operating the systems of the plant, which are crucial for safety, such as keeping and availability of all the operational documentation; carrying out chain change-overs, inspecting and testing the systems necessary for safety; sustaining the order of operating the plant.

Such target inspection are carried out at all the nuclear power plants of the Russian Federation by order of the management of the Rosenergoatom.

The Kola nuclear power plant is the branch of OAO Concern Rosenergoatom. The nuclear power plant is located 200 kilometers to the south of the city of Murmansk on the bank of the Lake Imandra. It produces about 60% of electrical energy of all the Murmansk region. The plant has four generating units with VVER reactors, with the capacity of 440 MW each. The Kola nuclear power plant delivers electrical energy for Karelia and the Murmansk region.

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